APE Malaysia
Rainforest Restoration
Program to reforest degraded areas, preserve our biodiversity and create a healthier planet.
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Trees that have been planted in the Lower Kinabatangan Wildlife Sanctuary!
N05°34'47.20" E118°19'43.83".
R+B’s contribution to the Restoring Our Amazing Rainforest (ROAR) Program through our support of APE Malaysia, resulted in the planting of 28 trees from the seven species of trees, including the Fig (Ficus Sp), Bangkal (Neonuclea Subdita), Kulimpapa (Vitex Sp), Sengkuang (Dracontomelon), Salungapid (Mollotus Muticus), Lamba (Colona Seratifolia) and Bayor (Pterospermum Elongatum), in the rainforest, which will be maintained for 4 years. These trees will grow up to 5m in height in just 5 years and form the forest canopy in less than 10 years. R+B’s efforts will create a habitat for various animals, and we hope to hear gibbons and birds singing, monkeys swinging from tree to tree, and maybe even an orangutan nesting way up on our trees in the restored rainforest.